Theliderma cyclindrica (Say, 1817)


Synonyms: Quadrula cylindrica, Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica, Quadrula cylindrica strigillata

Distribution: Sporadically distributed throughout the Mississippi, Ohio, Wabash, Cumberland, and Tennessee drainages. Occurrences are spotty, and the species has been eliminated from >50% of its former range. In Oklahoma occurs in the Glover, Mountain Fork, and Little Rivers in the southeast and the Illinois River in the northeast, although it formerly occurred in other northeastern rivers.

Life History and Ecology: Frequently found in small to medium sized rivers in clear, shallow water, often in riffles and in sand and gravel substrate. Short-term brooder that packages its glochidia in a conglutinate and is thought to use minnows as hosts, including whitetail shiner, spotfin shiner, and bigeye chub. Periodic life history strategy.

Special Status: US Federally Threatened Recovery plan

Shell Description: click here for shell description

Theliderma cylindrica